Our Staff


Dr Sarah Naylor (F) - GP Partner MBChB, MRCGP

Dr Stephen Buchan (M) - GP Partner MBChB, MRCGP

Dr Ini Igboeli (F) - MRCGP

Dr Laila Gray (F) - MRCGP

Dr Nayab Hussain (F) - MRCGP

Dr Elizabeth Hester (F) - MBChB, MRCGP, BSc

Dr Andrew Gunn (M) - MBChB, DpD

Dr Samina Koser (F) - MRCGP, MBChB

Dr Andrew O'Donnell (M) - MBChB, MRCGP, BSc(Hons)


Nurse Practitioners

Sarah McStay (F) - MSc


Jan Burrill (F)

Natalie Loades (F)

Healthcare Assistants

Jenny Ewbank (F)

Practice Management

Alison Wallace (F) - Partner  (MBA, DMS &  Level 7 Exec Diploma in Business management)


Donna Spencer (F)

Julie (F)


The reception staff are here to help you. They answer the telephone, deal with enquiries and take repeat prescriptions. Their job is very demanding and they work hard, so please be understanding and kind to them. They will all try to accommodate your wishes and help you.

The team includes:

Fay (F)

Sam (F)

Becca (F)

Jo (F)

Nicola (F)

Andrea (F)

Brenda (F)

Louise (F)

Margaret (F)

Sarah (F)


Melanie Stansfield (F)

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